Burnivale by Paul Deacon
Paintings by Paul Deacon
“The paintings on show at Caerbladon broadly fall into two groups - on the spot (plein air) responses to places, and studio paintings which represent a memory of a place. The paintings are flavours rather than descriptions. The plein air paintings or swatches attempt to capture the essence of a place as I see and feel it. The studio paintings fall into two groups - single views, and paintings built as collages representing the feelings evoked by the memory of a place and a time.
For me, every place has a dominant colour sensation which I find is crystallised by memory. For example, the paintings about Trinidad and Tobago largely comprise spectrum colours because of the sharp intensity of the light”.
Paul Deacon trained at Bath Academy of Art and has lived and worked in North Wiltshire as a teacher and artist for over 40 years. He has exhibited widely in the UK and his art is in many private collections.